Friday 20 March 2009


I found the following site very interesting. Well worth venturing to take a look. It covers a few theories about the aether. The page below really grabbed me:

" In contrast with quantum physics the aether theories state that there are no particles only waves. The zero point in the aether theory of Daniel Winter is the perfect stillness, the alpha and the omega of creation. This zero point is perfect stillness and infinite movement at the same time. It’s the same thing. How can this be? How can these opposites be the same? The cascade of Golden waves creates an infinite series of higher harmonics and when all the waves are added up using the Fourier principle it creates a flat wave of zero Hertz, perfect stillness!

Now think of a glass of water, if you start to vibrate it slowly, you will quite clearly see wave fronts in the glass. When we increase the frequency, it will be harder to notice the water surface is vibrating. If we add in all possible vibrations with frequencies ranging from extremely low to indefinitely high, the sum result of all these vibrations will turn the water into a smooth surface again. The water has become calm again. This calmness however is illusionary since the water is both at rest and shaking like hell all at the same time!

That is what the zero point field in essence is; it’s complete stillness (0 Hz) and filled with an infinite cascade of Golden harmonics all at the same time.

The waves that create matter and that by means of fractals move into the nucleus in an increasing cascade of Golden waves speed up and exceed the light speed. But where do they go? They center into the zero point, back from where they came. In this sense, the zero point is the alpha and omega of creation!

The zero point is perfect stillness and unimaginable abundant activity at the same time! They are two sides of the same coin, it’s like a snake biting it’s own tail. "

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